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More Blog Guidelines

As far as blogging is concerned, I expect all of my students to be mindful of others’ posts. Show respect at all times. Before submitting your post or comment, please proofread. You may say nice things about your fellow students’ posts or provide a recommendation. You may think of something that they did not or vice versa. As a precaution, please do not give out any personal information. This is for your protection and privacy. My intention for having this blog is so that there can be collaboration. Ideas are welcomed here. I am hoping that the prompts will spark your imagination and thinking process. Questions are encouraged. Learning can happen only if all of us come together to share our thoughts, ideas, and personal experiences. Consider this blog your space to write.

Explanation of Point System

With regard to blogging, I will be assessing and evaluating you on a point system. For those who leave vague posts and comments, they will not receive as high of a grade as those who have thoughtful, well-explained posts and comments. One of the purposes of this blog is so that individuals can come together and share ideas. Posts and comments should be meaningful in some way and should enhance understanding. Please take blogging seriously. Let your posts be a representation and reflection of your thoughts. The entire class will be able to see what you write. Write as eloquently as you can in the blog.